Sevan Ichkhanian


Audio Transcription:

"As a woman it's really tough sometimes because no matter what I do, the male gaze is always going to be there. Especially being so body positive and openly talking about these things, and people who don't quite understand and think it's just for show or for attention... The only way to overcome that is literally to continue, stand your ground, and speak your voice. Create community. Why conform when I could outwardly be myself and scream it to the world? I love walking into a space and everyone knows me based off of my outfit. You don't buy Hayley because you just want to blend in, you buy Hayley because you want to find that one piece that makes you feel like yourself. I really like this idea of a brand that's, like, 'we're not fixated on one specific thing, we're fixated on people and we want to represent people'. When I look at the things that you're doing and the messages that you're creating, it makes me feel like I'm supporting an artist but I'm also supporting myself, and people."

- Sevan Ichkhanian

Audio Transcription:

"As a woman it's really tough sometimes because no matter what I do, the male gaze is always going to be there. Especially being so body positive and openly talking about these things, and people who don't quite understand and think it's just for show or for attention... The only way to overcome that is literally to continue, stand your ground, and speak your voice. Create community. Why conform when I could outwardly be myself and scream it to the world? I love walking into a space and everyone knows me based off of my outfit. You don't buy Hayley because you just want to blend in, you buy Hayley because you want to find that one piece that makes you feel like yourself. I really like this idea of a brand that's, like, 'we're not fixated on one specific thing, we're fixated on people and we want to represent people'. When I look at the things that you're doing and the messages that you're creating, it makes me feel like I'm supporting an artist but I'm also supporting myself, and people."

- Sevan Ichkhanian